Quotes From "The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet" By Becky Chambers

Perhaps the ache of homesickness was a fair price to...
Perhaps the ache of homesickness was a fair price to pay for having so many good people in her life. Becky Chambers
No sapient could sustain happiness all of the time, just as no one could live permanently within anger, or boredom, or grief. Becky Chambers
Humans wasted so much time by being redundant. Becky Chambers
All the things I’ve done to my body, I’ve done out of love. Becky Chambers
Um, right, okay. Have you taken any courses in interspatial manipulation? Probably not, huh?”“ Can’t say that I have.”“ Space-time topology?”“ Nope.”“ Transdimensional theory?” Rosemary made an apologetic face.“ Aww! ” said Kizzy, clasping her hands over her heart. “You’re a physics virgin! Becky Chambers